The Godmother’s Secret: A gripping new intrigue for fans of The Lydiard Chronicles

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If you knew the fate of the Princes in the Tower, would you tell? Or forever keep the secret?

For the thousands of fans of The Lydiard Chronicles worldwide, Elizabeth St.John’s newly released historical novel takes us further back in time and deep into one of history’s greatest puzzles.


May 1483: The Tower of London. When King Edward IV dies and Lady Elysabeth Scrope delivers her young godson, Edward V, into the Tower of London to prepare for his coronation, she is engulfed in political turmoil. Within months, the prince and his brother have disappeared, Richard III is declared king, and Elysabeth’s sister Margaret Beaufort conspires with her son Henry Tudor to invade England and claim the throne.



Carved boss believed to be of Margaret Beaufort and her son Henry Tudor, St. Mary’s Lydiard Tregoze

Margaret Beaufort was no stranger to Lydiard Tregoze where she kept a close and protective eye on her half siblings, members of the St.John family. Her presence in St. Mary’s Church is evident in heraldic tables on the great St.John family painted polyptych and a carved head (boss) on the nave ceiling.

Author, Elizabeth St.John tells us she was:

‘Inspired by England’s most enduring historical mystery, the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower, I explored The Lydiard Archives to tell the story of Elysabeth St.John Scrope, godmother to the eldest prince, Edward V.  Of anyone at the royal court in the turbulent summer of 1483, Elysabeth had the most to lose–and the most to gain–by keeping secret the fate of her precious godson and his brother. I’m excited to share the book is a “No. 1 New Release” on Amazon, and early reviews are really encouraging.’

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