This is the time of year when fungi rules the Lydiard Woods. The word “fungi” is a group of organisms that include yeast...
On 10th September, Swindon Borough Council and the Friends of Lydiard Park are holding a Heritage Apple Day in the walled...
The March equinox on the 20th of the month marked the point at which the sun crossed the earth’s equator, moving from...
As March arrives, so it feels as though Spring is definitely in the air. However that same air that can feel pleasantly warm...
February is very much a winter month with the potential for hard frosts and snow. However, it’s also a time when the...
Whilst the tradition of bringing greenery inside to decorate houses at Christmas – holly, ivy and evergreen branches -...
In nature, November is the time of transition into Winter. The last leaves fall from deciduous trees and hibernating animals...
With October, autumn comes to the park. The very dry summer has led to the leaves turning early and falling sooner. The...
September is a time of change in nature. Daylight hours are growing shorter and the weather starts to cool, signalling to...
June 5th is World Environment Day. It is a time for us to appreciate the environment we live in and to protect our natural...