In the summer of 1897, the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire hosted a Fancy Dress Ball to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond...
In 1752 Mary Meredith married Laurence Shirley, 4th Earl Ferrers. Her parents must have been well pleased that their...
It has to be said that the St John men didn't make very good husbands, but that didn't stop them from trying! Frederick St...
According to librettist W.S. Gilbert - 'When constabulary duty's to be done, a policeman's lot is not a happy one.' The same...
When the three St John Mildmay sisters married in the early nineteenth century, they each acquired a country residence...
Symbolist, sculptor and portrait painter George Frederic Watts is widely considered to be the greatest Victorian painter....
Returning to our screens this weekend, Downton Abbey portraits an establishment where gentry and servants co-exist in a...
Who would live in a house like this? Well apart from Cardinal Wolsey, Henry VIII and other assorted monarchs, during the...
When Charles I's coffin was opened during building work in St George's Chapel in 1813, Royal physician Sir Henry Halford...